




我们的神学院 began only ten years ago with an enthusiastic faculty and fourteen eager students. 我们的梦想 then was to be a multi-denominational seminary within the evangelical tradition with one mission: to equip followers of Jesus with the knowledge, 技能, 以及在二十一世纪为神的国度事奉的品格.

我们的位置 是西十大赌博网站的城市多元文化大熔炉吗, 美国最“没有教会”的城市(巴纳). 我们的福音承诺 表现在精神形态上, 神学上的反射, 通过言语和行为来宣讲福音.

我们的学术团体 代表了基督多元和多民族身体的美. 我们的伙伴关系 with over seventy-five dynamic churches across many traditions and cultures invigorate the learning environment.

今天, 我们激动人心的旅程 是敬畏神的信实吗. 我们的校友 在天国的事工中兴旺吗, 从牧师到牧师, 从社区建设者到流离失所者的牧师, 从Ph.D. 学生到圣经教师.

我们的故事 是成长,我们邀请吗  成为它的一部分!



神学硕士(M.Div.)仍然是 “黄金标准”学位 为准备从事职业基督教事工的学生而设. 课程以圣经领域为基础, 圣经的语言, 历史, 神学, 以及实际的事工. 它还包括 apprenticeships, which provide students with hands-on experience in vital local ministries. 我们的流线型M.Div. 是72小时,可以在短短两年内完成吗.



文学硕士,跨文化研究(MAIS)是一个 神学教育的新兴领域在我们全球化的世界. The MAIS is designed to prepare students for vocations in intercultural contexts. 课程提供 高级神学参与紧迫的宣教问题 in light of Scripture and the rich heritage of Christian faith and practice. MAIS是36小时,可以在两年内完成. 第一批学生将于2021年秋季入学(有待SACSCOC批准)。.


Ph.D. 实用神学

我们的Ph值.D. 在实践神学中,以a开头 两年的项目 课程的设计是为了训练十大赌博网站领导在一个 神学专业的多样性.



文学硕士,基督教研究(MACS)提供了一个 对神学学科的研究生水平的理解 for laypersons who desire graduate theological studies but are not pursuing full-time vocational ministry. 这个学位旨在为学生提供这两方面的知识 高等神学教育 and the opportunity to concentrate on subjects important to their theological interests. MACS是36小时,可以在一年半的时间内完成.



艺术硕士,宗教哲学(MAPR)提供 a rigorous study of the philosophy of religion in the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge for human flourishing. 他深信一切真理都源于基督, the MAPR is designed for students pursuing academic vocations or parachurch ministries. It is also for those who desire graduate studies in the philosophy of religion but are not pursuing full-time vocational ministry. MAPR是36小时,可以在两年内完成.



The Only University-Based 神学硕士 Program Serving 南佛罗里达’s Diverse Theological Community. 我们的 愿景 我们与佛罗里达纪念大学的合作是 资源 基督教教会 通过持续的 跨文化、忏悔和代际参与.




The Community Transformation Center degree programs provide students with the specialized 技能 for 促进社区的积极变化. 通过课程作业的结合, 实践经验, 注重职业整合, graduates will be equipped to effectively address societal challenges and pursue meaningful co-vocational opportunities such as 牧师服务, 非营利组织的工作, 社区组织, para-church部委, 或者创业追求 这与他们对社区转型的热情是一致的.


神学硕士 Concentration In Community Transformation And Chaplaincy

The Community Transformation Center degree programs provide students with the specialized 技能 for 促进社区的积极变化. 通过课程作业的结合, 实践经验, 注重职业整合, graduates will be equipped to effectively address societal challenges and pursue meaningful co-vocational opportunities such as 牧师服务, 非营利组织的工作, 社区组织, para-church部委, 或者创业追求 这与他们对社区转型的热情是一致的.



十大赌博网站的其他学校合作, 我们提供三个联合/双学位. These degree programs require a total of fewer credit hours than required if each degree were earned separately. These three configurations give students the opportunity to engage in integrative interdisciplinary coursework that prepares students with the knowledge, 技能, 以及适合各种基督教职事的品格.

Students will develop both theological depth and management acumen for effective executive and administrative vocations in churches or parachurch organizations. MDiv/MBA是93个学分,可以在三年内完成.

Students will integrate theological learning with mental health theory and practices for effective ministry and counseling vocations in churches or parachurch settings. MDiv+MHC是117个学分,可以在四年内完成.

学生将发展神学, 经济, and philosophical knowledge to implement strategies and policies for effective developmental practices in parachurch and global settings. The MACS+MSGD is 72 credit hours and can be completed in as few as two years.

马特·赖斯,M. Div 2017

Ph.D., 爱丁堡大学, working on the identity and mission of Brazilian evangélicos in the diaspora in 南佛罗里达.

“MDiv对此有所帮助 拓展我的智力,挑战我走出自己的舒适区. I have encountered colleagues from many different denominational backgrounds and I have learned from them as well as my professors. 这两个项目都有 激发了我的兴趣,并为我继续研究生学习做了准备.

“I’m so grateful for the way PBA prepared me for this adventure by teaching me to think theologically, 将我与当地事工的机会联系起来, 给了我一个强大的社区.”


新一代牧师. oneelife教堂(奥罗拉. 上校)

要投入情感健康, 精神上的充实, 和卓有成效的事工, 你 must receive training that teaches more about how to think than what to think, 提出尖锐的神学问题, 提供实际生活经验的机会, and challenges 你 to grow as a whole person beyond what 你 thought possible. 这就是我所接受的事工培训, 因为我追求圣经研究和高等教育的呼召.”

梅丽莎·曼达拉(MDiv, 2019)

研究生,St. 安德鲁的大学, 苏格兰学生团体创始人/主席, 圣经研究学院实习牧师, 北十大赌博网站第一长老教会(FL)

“Currently I serve as a lead church planter/pastor for a Russian-language congregation. PBA在很多方面帮助我为我的事工做好准备, 包括最高标准的神学教育.”

Daniel Naberezhny (MDiv, 2019)


“PBA has taught me to have compassion for those on the margins of society and to speak truth lovingly and contextually to these people. This education has expanded my understanding of my own Western theological worldview, 以及当我分享耶稣的爱时,如何正确地移除这个框架.”

金·埃利斯(MDiv, 2019)


“我不仅获得了成为一名更独立研究者的技能, 而且我也学会了在一个群体中思考. 这个社区, 包括它的教员, 鼓励并挑战我超越自己的能力. It was at PBA, w在这里 I realized my passion for teaching and biblical manuscripts. 现在, 我的博士学位即将结束,研究的是我们最重要的手稿之一, 食典委梵蒂冈, 同时在剑桥大学教学生希腊语.

This would not have been imaginable without my time in the classroom and the continued relationships I built with the faculty and students at PBA.”

杰西·格伦兹(MDiv, 2016)


“I have the opportunity to preach on Sundays and oversee all the ministries for our campus within our multi-site structure. I wouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing without my education and training at PBA. Their ‘integrated’ seminary structure truly prepares students to take what they learn within 神学/biblical studies and apply it to hands-on ministry.”

乔丹·马塞夫(MIDiv). 2017)

西南校区牧师,西区浸信会(Gainsville, FL)

“Being able to engage in multi-cultural ministry is essential for our community, so the training that PBA provided in both the classroom and apprenticeships during my MDiv have helped us effectively minister to and unite multiple demographics in an area that has been historically marked by di愿景 and prejudice.”

丹尼尔·贾奇(MDiv, 2016)


“PBA helped to develop and foster a high level of biblical study that could be readily integrated into everyday leadership and pastoring. My professors both challenged and encouraged me to develop not only in competency but also in character. 我爱我的同伴,这段旅程是一种巨大的祝福!”

斯蒂芬·金普尔(MDiv, 2016)



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